Upcoming Events

Dore Church Hall - public meeting

Earlier this year Dore Parochial Church Council (PCC) invited interested parties to present proposals for taking a 25 year lease to run the Church Hall for community purposes. A copy of this invitation can be found here.

The Dore Village Society, in conjunction with Dore Old School Trust and several Dore residents, formed a committee to develop a response. This is in five parts.

  • The first part considers what is needed for the Hall to be self-funding on a revenue basis. That is, covering all its running and routine maintenance costs from income, and generating a surplus for a sinking fund to cover any major work or other costs which might be incurred in the future. This is to
    ensure that the Hall can be run as an economically viable entity. A review of historic income and expenditure has been conducted and a plan for increasing income to achieve viability has been outlined.
  • The second part assesses repairs and other infrastructure improvements that will be needed in the short term, as well as other start-up costs (legal and surveyor costs and revenue support during the start-up phase).
  • Part three deals with funding the above.
  • Part four describes the legal entity which will be needed to enter into a lease agreement and operate the Hall, and how this legal entity could be managed.
  • Part five brings everything together in a statement of offer to the PCC.

A public meeting to present these plans has been arranged for Wednesday 15th January 2020 at 8pm in The Church Hall, Townhead Road.